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News Letter: MAY   

Headline News

Spring is in the Air

Spring is right around the corner!! We need to remember that to dress school appropriate while we are at Baldwin School. We recommend that students DO NOT wear flip-flops at school. It is also a good idea to have a sweatshirt or light jacket for class or recess.

ECFC Buddies

Our last ECFC visit will be on May 13th. The little buddies will be coming to Baldwin for some reading and art fun. We are so excited to have them here. Make sure you remember to practice reading your childrens' books before they come. We will enjoy a good story, a snack, and some fun with our pals.

Recognition Night

Please join us from 7-9 on May 17th for our annual recognition night. All students will receive an awad for their accomplishments during 6th grade. It is important for all students to be here during this award ceremony. Please dress in your best outfit, and come to school ready to enjoy an evening together with family and friends.

QU Day

We will be going to Quincy University on May 14th for a fun day. All sections of Baldwin will be there during this time!!! Parents, please sigh up with the PTA if you want to help monitor the fun. The students will be able to swim, play racketball, basketball, dance, watch movies,eat, play tug of war, ect with their friends. It's always a highlight for our students!!!! I can't wait to see you there.

Science Center Fieldtrip

On May 19th we are planning our Science Center fieldtrip. We will leave Balswin School early, and be back at about 5pm. Make sure you dress in comfortable clothes and shoes. Please pack a lunch, drink, and extra spending money in a comfortable backpack. You are responsible for your belongings while we are on the fieldtrip. Make sure you have a ride ready to pick you up at school upon our arrival. The teachers will not wait for late rides. Students are also not recommended to bring any electronics on the trip. Have your ride ready so we don't have to make phone calls after we get back to school.

Last Day

The last day of classes will be May 24th. The students need to come back on May 26th between 8:45 and 11:00 to pick up their report cards. I am looking forward to a relaxing summer, but we need to remember to get our academics done first.  

Spelling Bee

On May 13th, Jordan and Nick will represent our class in the annual spelling bee. Let's cheer them on!!! WAY TO GO!!!!

Textbooks and Calculators

Please bring our textbooks, calculators, school locks, and any other school belongings to class ASAP. We will be collecting all of these items within the next two weeks. Make sure you have yours here so you won't be charged for the cost of a new item.